Frequently Asked Questions

Q : I want to use your services but I  don't have any time and knowledge for installation, do you install for customers?
A: In our datacenter, every installation done for the first time, whether it's an operating system or not, are done complimentarily, which means it will be for free!

Q : Do you provide any additional services?
A :  Our colocation and dedicated servers have lots of additional services.   The following can be provided on demand :
- SMS Warning System
- Hardware Firewalls (*)
- Web Application Firewall *
- Spam Firewall *
- Message Archiver *
- Backup Service
- Load Balancer *
* Dedicated services

Q : Do you provide firewall?
A : All firewalls are assigned to customers, dedicated and installation is free of charge.

Q : I have some IP adresses, do you offer BGP announcements?
A : We do offer BGP announcements.

Dedicated Servers

Q : In case of a hardware failure on a dedicated server, do you charge hardware replacements?
A : No, replacements for failed hardware on dedicated servers are free.

Q : In case of  a hardware failure, how long does the replacement take?
A : All hardware components of RackDC are already redundant, which means we instantly change components before you even notice.

Colocation Servers

Q: Can I bring my own computer to your datacenter?
A: In our datacenter policy, we only allow optimised servers that can run seamlessly for 24 hours a day.
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