
 How to update Linux with Yum

Updating RedHat & CentOS with Yum If you are using RedHat & its clones like CentOS or...

 Nmap : Scanning Methods

Earlier we’ve discussed target specificationin detail. But it is almost as import to choose...

 Nmap : Target Specification in Detail

Every now and then, we need to scan ports as system administrators, even if the target machine is...

 Password Generation in UNIX

Below I’ll describe a couple of nice methods to generate passwords using Python and Bash....

 Serial Console Redirection in pfsense

If you want to show console output from a Serial device such as RS-232 interface, you need to...

 Snort rules for and DNS Amplification Attacks

Everything started with a few queries of thrugh open DNS servers located at our data...

 Web Hosting Security premier

IMPORTANT NOTE: Never assume the directory structures exist in your system as written in the...