PHP-SOAP Installation on DirectAdmin

People using Direct Admin usually do the mistake to install anything new by using the yum repositories. In fact, Direct Admin has a custom build method, so when you want to add something new to your system, you might need to recompile what’s allready installed.

The same goes for the PHP-SOAP too. Yet don’t freak out, it’s very simple.

Go to your Direct Admin custom build directory
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
Now let’s see our custom build configuration files.
./build used_configs
One of the outputs is the PHP configuration file, edit that file,
Now append –enable-soap to the end of the file. Don’t forget to add a “\” to the end of the last line.

After this, save the file and exit. Now we’re ready to recompile php.
./build php all
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