Before connecting you the Windows box, let’s make a directory on your local Linux.
$ mkdir ~/windows
Now, when connecting to Windows, we will use this kind of notation on the rdeskop arguments,
$ rdesktop -f -r disk:linux=/home/eaydin/windows
-f : this is not of importance in our case, it’s just for full screen mode, to enter and exit fullscreen mode, press Ctrl+Alt+Enter
-r : this is the remote share option. disk is one of the options available, this will create a disk on the network devices of the Windows box, named “linux” which will point to /home/eaydin/windows on our Linux box. Don’t forget that you need Windows XP and newer for this feature, and the device name is limited to 8 characters!
After connecting with these options, on your Windows box (via the rdesktop interface) go to
Network Places -> Entire Network -> Microsoft Terminal Services -> tsclient
Here you’ll find a device named linux, this is your /home/eaydin/windows folder!
The -r option of rdesktop support many redirections such as sound, printer, clipboard and more. Check the manual pages for more detail.